Friday, July 1, 2016

thermotron management training --SideShow Bob wiley and bannach Get Arrested

      1. The Simpsons Season 8 Episode 16.

      "field service (engineer) sales product support 35 years"

      Former Employee - Product Support in San Jose, CA
      Positive Outlook
      I worked at Thermotron full-time (More than 10 years)
      it is required to be a dishonest deceitful liar thief and embezzler, because then the company owns you

       the average level of thief is high per year,

      Daniel j O'Keeffe brought a whole new lever to the industry, and this was passed down to every manager following

      when he and his management staff was asked what they budgeted for thief and embezzlement - everyone got petty and vindictive,
      <br… Show More
      management is focused on the mushroom style - they keep everyone in the dark and feed them sh*t, they make every effort to build-a-case-against the embloyee's and any one who is a pet , is a dishones spy, who braggs that it "dosen't matter what you say about nanyone, or do to any co woker or the customer so long as you get away with it and blame it on some one else, evrone- is considered-a dime a dozen--
      Advice to Management
      daniel j okeefe brought a whole new level of curruption to the industry, and this was followed up with ronald Lampton, they lie to everyone , employee'e the customer and competition, it is normal to defraud employee'e who leave, and the competition
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    1. "30 years as a product support field service sales technician (meet Ed Flower)"

      Former Employee - Product Support in Holland, MI
      Positive Outlook
      I worked at Thermotron full-time (More than 10 years)
      the management really dosent care about what is going on so long as you don't get them in "trouble" the management like it when you tell them that you "lied" for them as hil sybesma demenstrated you can lie to the customer or your co workers and lead them astray, becasue it is also ok to embezzle and cheat on your labor time and you travel time and pad your expenses, because then you are "one-of-the-gang"
      you can not trust anyone you work with -- people are taught to look for "dirt" on their co worker's , the management braggs their style is .1 if someone does a good job they will lie and say it was a bad job, 2. if some one needs help they will lie and say that the employee does not need help.. and if a start of or repair of equipment is going "BAD" than stay away -- so you will not get blamed, backstabbing is a big … Show More
      Advice to Management
      employee's are a dime-a-dozen, and they don't give you raises for job performance, and are trained to find something to blame on the worker, so they can tell you maybe next year it will go better
    2. "10 years sales detroit GED - my lips are moving- liar"

      Former Employee - Field Sales Service in Detroit, MI
      Positive Outlook
      I worked at Thermotron (More than 10 years)

      the performance that they reward stick a straw into the back of the customers head and
      remove his brains until his skull caves in
      the sales dept traiies to figure out how not to pay the bonus -- at one time it was quartly-- but becasue of high turn over in sales and field service -- they made it yearly- because people figured out that they were getting the short end of the stick
      Advice to Management
      yes after 35 years in this business-- everyone brags about the lies they tell the customer and their co worker-- and it takes awhile to get into the "inner-circle" and deceite and deception is a learning process, and if you don't fit they drum you out and slander you and say "well we didn't lose much" bla-bla bla, just figure you are being lied to -- and you are probably correct
  1. "product support field service"

    Former Employee - Product Support Field Service Detroit in Detroit, MI
    Positive Outlook
    I worked at Thermotron full-time (More than 8 years)
    you dont have to work very hard- and it is easy to change solionids to fix a leak. and you can make extra on equipment start ups
    it is a dead end job- and they dont give raises, and the customers dont know that we all just lie to them about every thing
    Advice to Management
    this has got to be the most dishonest group of people i have ever met- and they like it if you rat out your co worker, and they will believe what lies you tell them- and don't do any follow up
  2. Helpful (2)

    "field service technician"

    Former Employee - Field Service Technician in Los Angeles, CA
    Neutral Outlook
    you dont have to work very hard, and you dont have to know much becasue call the office in michigan and thy will tell you what to do
    it takes a while for some one to get back to you from product support in michigan , and if you order parts -- you have to tell the customer that it will be 4 to 6 weeks and they don't like that at all
    Advice to Management
    they act like the customer is import and matters-- but the customer really dont not matter
  3. Helpful (1)

    "Stay where you are."

    Current Employee - Salary Office Support in Holland, MI
    Doesn't Recommend
    Negative Outlook
    I have been working at Thermotron full-time
    The people who work there are overall good people. The president is also good. Its the owner that's bad news.

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