Saturday, July 2, 2016

thermotron field sales engineer training (Bart Goes to Hell) - Thermotron training

Positive Outlook
I worked at Thermotron full-time (More than 10 years)
it is required to be a dishonest deceitful liar thief and embezzler, because then the company owns you

 the average level of thief is high per year,

Daniel j O'Keeffe brought a whole new lever to the industry, and this was passed down to every manager following

when he and his management staff was asked what they budgeted for thief and embezzlement - everyone got petty and vindictive,
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management is focused on the mushroom style - they keep everyone in the dark and feed them sh*t, they make every effort to build-a-case-against the embloyee's and any one who is a pet , is a dishones spy, who braggs that it "dosen't matter what you say about nanyone, or do to any co woker or the customer so long as you get away with it and blame it on some one else, evrone- is considered-a dime a dozen--
Advice to Management
daniel j okeefe brought a whole new level of curruption to the industry, and this was followed up with ronald Lampton, they lie to everyone , employee'e the customer and competition, it is normal to defraud employee'e who leave, and the competition

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