Saturday, July 8, 2017

thermotron---Elaine johnson retired----"Walter's Wisdom: The joys of marriage" | Arguing with Myself | JEFF DU...

Human Resources Thermotron

Human Resources Thermotron

--Recruiting top notch individuals for a growing world-wide mfg. company
Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Area


  1. Many people like to believe that they are a good judge of character, but sadly, that’s not always the case. There’s nothing worse than finding out that someone you thought you could trust is apparently nothing like what you believed them to be. However, don’t fault yourself for not knowing because these people are skilled in deception and manipulation. They are parasites who will take advantage of you to get what they want, but they do not care about your needs. They are selfish and inconsiderate, with no qualms hurting other people. And there’s a lot of them out there, pretending to be and acting like regular people. They’re in schools, in the workplace, in churches—everywhere. They could be among your friends or your colleagues. So how do you know if someone you are dealing with has bad intentions or not?
    Take a look at these 30 warning signs that someone you know is actually evil.

  2. have featured her article in 2019 and many of you including myself enjoy reading her posts but importantly, her work highlight an important aspect that has been lacking spotlight: Workplace Abuse.

    This subject is close to my heart because I have witness bullying and I have encountered bullies. My own responses are always between “fight or flight” but I have never silently endured being a pushover.

    One of my faithful readers and a talented passionate writer, Caz once again share her experiences in her previous workplaces in this new article below. Please go to her website here for more articles.

    Have you ever had to stand up to workplace bullies?
    The word BULLY in red with bullying words on it like attack, pick-on and bait - stand up to workplace bullies
    Stand up to workplace bullies — image by John Hain @ Pixabay
    Have you ever been bullied in your workplace? Or elsewhere? Have you ever had to stand up to work workplace bullies? I have. I tried many times as a mental health student and nurse, to no avail. There was always someone more senior telling me to forget it. The managers either couldn’t be bothered or didn’t have the skills to deal with the bullies. So on it went, long after I left, the bullies kept on bullying.

  3. Call a spade a spade, and you will never be disrespected by colleages as long as your facts are correct.

    What kind of kool-aid are you drinking?

    I have the unfortunate ability to spot liars often immediately however this skill only serves to protect me.

    When I say liars, I do not mean the average person who tells the occasional lie or a person who may tell more than occasional lies

    but the extremely convincing, glib perfect liar who has no tells and is an expert at knowing what people want and how to give it to them.
    When they are caught in a lie, they create a better lie to cover it or use their emotional power of manipulation to minimize it so those who know don’t care.

    I have met several liars at the workplace, one who defrauded the company of thousands of dollars and took advantage of other co-workers and prior to that I informed all of my co-employees and the boss that he was an untrustworthy liar and I stated facts that proved my case yet they were ignored. In in other situations outside of work and the outcome was similar. People are animals; emotional creatures not rational and when you present the truth they ignore it.

    Anyone can spot a normal liar but it is pathological or sociopathic liars that are rarely caught and unless you have evidence that can’t be ignored then don’t even bother.

    You’ll look like an asshole and the liar will use their abilities to disparage your reputation.

  4. thermotron training and more with Billl ARVO

    bill arvo
    Small world.. the man i was training to fly paragliders has known bill arvo for about 30 years.. i told him obviously he lives a double life.. because just about every outside sales man i have worked with was fully engaged in thief and embesslment.. (except bill slonker, i think).

    Yes i told him i knew about Bill Arvo.. because the sales embezzler i worked with always talked about him winning the "clock" sales award...And Bill Arvo knew all about the details of Bo Bjarno.. Except of course how 2 years earler i talked about it with Dick Mckennley when Tom Bannash and he were harassing the securtary to drum her out..

    As i told him The Whole west coast was nothing more than a Den a Liers, Theves and Embezzlers.. and actually Bo Bjarno has better character that Tom Bannish. Bacause all of Bannash's Pet theves were stealing way over 10 thousand to as much as 30 thousand..

    He did say Good People are hard to find .. which is why he was doing the set up work with his little company called "Test" i guess you guys owned 49 % of it for a while..

    Any way... even funner... i ended up interviewing .. at Turner's company EETS II , or something like that.. where Tom Bannish is.. .

    I thanked him for his time but told him that i couldn't work where Tom Bannask was employed.. Because in short it was such a horrable time working under him with all the different liers, theves and embezzlers, and that he bragged what a good lier he was, and every one would go along with what he said..
    I don't need that working environment again..I found it rather unhealthy working with murders, liers and thieves.

    But as the Bible says the Thermoton thief comes to kill, steal and destroy.

    and as Thomas Bannach bragged-- libel and slander and defraud--

  5. Dave Water field replaced roger cannady as Thermotron National service manager–

    He said that all the offices that thomas bannach and roger cannady managed — stood out like a sore thumb– becasue of the excessive Robber– thief– and embezzlement–

    Yes thomas Bannach and his Pet ‘s Gregory V Johnson– hil sybesma– dean tripp–

    all agreed — stealing was called — working the system and the average amount of

    EMBEZZLEMENT was about 10,000 to 20,000 per year–

    Gregory V Johnson would drive to the branch office — talk to Bo Bjarno the 3rd thermotron sales guy and then drive home

    when Thomas Bannach would call him–

    he would lie and tell Thomas Bannach that — his phone and Beeper didn’;t work..

    and when a job was called into the office — he would tell the customer that “the service man that does that type of job ” was “Out of town”

    He spent six monthes putting down 8 hours a day at a company called Ramteck– and Thomas Bannach never cked to see if he was on the job–

    ( and when the co workers – expressed – their amazement — that thomas bannach didn’t care about the robber thief and embezzlement) they were drumed out — with supporting lies and slander from gregory v johnson–

    because as a psychopath– he said it didn’t matter what lies you said about any one–

    and as thomas Bannach is also a pervert– well that’s the way it goes

    ENSECO chamber company hired him and with in 3 months–

    they wondered why they hired a thomas Bannach “PET” in the first place–

    and went to his home on the week end — to fire him– and retrieve their service truck

  6. Modern folks spend their entire lives with their heads constantly buzzing with swarms of abstractions. The Pirahã spend every day of their lives being highly attuned to the incredible living paradise that they are so lucky to inhabit. They enjoy living in a stable, low impact, time-proven culture where everyone shares the same belief system.

    Everett was amazed by them. “This is a culture that’s invisible to the naked eye, but that is incredibly powerful, the most powerful culture of the Amazon. Nobody has resisted change like this in the history of the Amazon, and maybe of the world.”

    They were lucky to have enjoyed centuries of isolation in a vast tropical rainforest. They had very little contact with clever outsiders who had bad habits, odd tools, dark impulses, and heads slithering with brainworms. Unfortunately, the outer world has found them, and wants to “help” them enjoy the wonders of modern living.

    Every morning, I listen to news reports describing a world that is out of its mind. I think about the Pirahã, who are also getting up, smiling and laughing, down by the river, welcoming the beginning of a new day. Same species, same morning, same planet. They have not forgotten who they are, or how to live.
