Saturday, January 9, 2016

thermotron explains relationships-Looking for a job at Thermotron? We are holding open interviews on January 20, 2016 from 7:30 to 4:30 at our location on 836 Brooks Avenue in Holland.

Looking for a job at Thermotron? We are holding open interviews on January 20, 2016 from 7:30 to 4:30 at our location on 836 Brooks Avenue in Holland.

The Wisdom of Red Green - Sharing Feelings

thermotron careers it's ok to lie and b currupt

Thermotron field service management training

Say What Again!!– thermotron treat the employes like family

meat Roger Cannady and his associates– perverts breed perverts– — or as Thomas Bannach bragged that it’s ok to lie cheat deceive embezzle every day–
Dave Waterfield  said all the offices that were managed by thomas Bannach and his gang of liers and thieves — stood out like a sore thumb–
Get the inside story — from Mark lamers— as a “gate-Keeper” he says good people don’t work there 4 very long

At thermotron the many field service engineers i worked with all bragged “what “ liars and thieves they were–
the the sales personal were liars and drunks  — get the “skinny” from Tamera Kennedy–
she has been a dishonest — deceiver — most of her career

Thermotron holland michigan pervert training

The Jerk –

thermotron field service training shithead

Oct 24Field Service Technician RefrigerationUK-BerkshireThermotron Industries
Oct 24Sr. Sales Capital EquipmentUK-ReadingThermotron Industries
Oct 2Field Service TechnicianUS-CA-Los AngelesThermotron Industries
Dec 25Field Service EngineerUS-CA-El SegundoThermotron Industries
Sep 17Manufacturing Support- Mechanical Assembly focusUS-MI-HollandThermotron Industries
Sep 17Manufacturing Support-Refrigeration/ HVAC focusUS-MI-HollandThermotron Industries
Dec 25Field Service : RefrigerationUS-IN-CastletonThermotron Industries
Oct 3Division ControllerUS-MI-HollandThermotron Industries

Thermotron –Elaine Johnson –Vp human resourse thermotron

yes when i was at thermotron–

Elaine called me up to ask me what i wanted for my 5.5 year award — — Welll– i may not be here then– because Thomas W Bannach is druming everyone out–

Elaine Johnsonembarassed teen

and i think i’m on his list-

get back to me would you?? —cartoon sex talk

As Dean tripp and Hil Sybesma — said— Thermotron management — tries to build a case against all the employee’s– Gregory V Johnson– said — it does not matter what lies you say about your co workers– so long as you get away with it — and Blame it on someone else

Elaine Johnson | LinkedIn

Holland, Michigan – ‎–Human Resource Manager
Human Resource ManagerThermotron Industries. Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Machinery industry. October 1983 – Present (30 years 5 months) ..

Brain Implants

Thermotron Field service training you can be a success at thermotron

just give it a try and impress your friends GED or some Experience is required..

Get the Daniel J. O’keefe insert and chip.. learn the freedon of having your own opinion ? we willl tell you what you want to hear!!


Brain Implants Thermotron Field service training

you can be a success at thermotron just give it a try and impress your friends
GED or some Expperience is required.. Get the Daniel J. O’keefe insert and chip..
learn the freedon of having your own opinion ? we willl tell you what you want to hear!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

thermotron ! - Middle Management Suck-Ups- daniel j okeefe former lier and pervert


daniel j okeefe -- as thomas pattersona said brought a new level -- and lying and defrauding--

richard alverson former texas field service -- comme3nded -- Gee pres-- can i get some help here

Daniel j okeefe-- could not fit into any "normal" neighborhood

so he bought the equivalant of a million dollar -- "personal motel" on sunset lane

so he didn'have to have just "any1 " for a neighbor..

all his neighbor's are -- smilling -- psycopaths--

Have a "nice" day --- ASS Hole

Sunday, January 3, 2016

thermotron management and the psychopath | SCTV- we made some changes

Thermotron — interesting that Thomas Bannach hired Gregory V Johnson as Mitch Kerr’s REPLACEMENT–

by thermotrononedummy

Roger cannady and associates—When you poop in your dreams you poop for real

yes get

your mentoring and leadership with roger cannady and associates and thomas bannach

thermotron wither it ok to lie and defraud every one you know

thomas bannach when he was the west coast manager — he said Roger

cannady and associates, let him do his “own thing” and besides he

“pay–ed his dues”  when he worked for Bob –less– Wiley

and Bob Wiley told his “inner circle ” that  they could lie to him —

about the co-workers — on the job so long as they didn’t get him in

trouble —-

thomas bannach said every service technician was a manager and they

could lie cheat steal embezzle defraud their co workers and the customer

a little bit “every-Day”

so long as they did it behind their back— because  every one he know is like that!!!

This allowed Thomans bannach to defraud 90 % of his co workers— and drum then out!!

Dean tripp said thomas Bannach was a lier and thief when he worked for him– and then he really didnt have good character–

BUT Mark Strain — said Bannach was the “most honest — lier slander and thief ” that he has ever met!!

When thomas bannach — asked an employee– if they wanted to go into

management at thermotron– that Emoloyee– said — hell no– you r a lier

anc sheat– why would i want that??

Thomas Bannach said “it OK to be currupt and lie cheat and embezzle” because every one is like that !

Gregory V Johnson in the San Fransisco office– agreed with his and

spent 3 years robbing the customers and defrauding his co workers–

this was duplicated in the Seattle office with dan DePurdes and the sales staff and support staff in that location–

and of course the Conoga park area– where new hires lasted about 6


– and it was “YOUR JOB” to train the new hires–

 as Roger cannady

and thomas bannach — DECREEDed–

Yes and the Alcoholic Sales man  Bo Bjarno  was a thrill– also– he came in as a abusive lyer and pervert–

It appears that the Human resource personall like tamer Kennedy-with

18 years-

and some other some other thermotron whore and protrostute

with 30 years as Vice-prez– of all the human resourse perverts

– fits the retarded verson– as Thomas Patterson said– they

are just “rubber Stamps”

when Roger cannady was defrauding his co workers– they were — in on the Game!!Image

then Berry Wright — who replaced thomas bannach as a west coast

manager– said to his co-workers–

Gee don’t you think thomas Bannach is a

nice guy???

the answer of ” nooo tom B is a liar deceiver and a slander thief and pervert “protector”
Welll Berry Wright only lasted about a year.. as the thomas Bannach thermotron replacement

yes lying cheating stealing –libel and slandering — conspiracy with

intent to defraud — so to build a case against your co worker- is the

way —

 management at thermotron functions—-

like the many child molesters — i advoided in the roman catholic–

church growing up– so is holland michigan dutch and christian reformed–

same character –

and thermotron relay’s on people not “exposing” the former perverts

and Queers

– but as Roger cannady and his Associates — harrashed and

drumed out defrauded — 90% of the people– employed –


just as Gregory V Johnson was fired 4 robbery thief and embezzlement–

from the next company ENSECO — where mitch Kerr (all temp engineering) and former thermotron —  said — he wont’s find

work in this valley — and the environmental chamber gang–

and every onel

knows he was thomas bannach and roger cannady’s   the co conspirator and false

wittness– just a regualr thermotron lyer and thief–

 interesting that Thomas Bannach hired Gregory V Johnson as Mitch Kerr’s REPLACEMENT–

