Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dr. Peter Kreeft - Saturday Morning Session - Defending the Faith-- screw tape letters thermotron


at thermotron -- the standard of why -- is holland michigan church goers called

the west coast hypocrites  --

thermotron is the only company that had a gate keeper -- that told new employee's that "Good people don't stay and work here for too long"

or as another said-- gee is didn't want to lie-- but -- they told me too

or another -- well all companies are Corrupt

or another -- well i have that same problem as the manager-- i want to lie cheat deceive and steal embezzle -- and i still want people to like me

or maybe -- the simple-- it dosen't matter what you do or say-- so long as you get away with it

and BLAME it on some one else

and the list goes on____ and on--- and on-----

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

thermotron field service training10 Signs That Someone Is Lying


30 years later the many people i worked with at thermotron are still trained puppets

meet the next generation of liars,perverts, and queers

hollend michigan church going whores--- i didn't want to lie bt they told me tooooo

SO--WHAT COULD ---I --DO ???

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Thermotron field service l - Lonely Sarcastic Guy- working with a Dummy 2- fred Plont


get your training at thermotron-- Fred Plont-- the good - old - Boy--

Yes and Roger Cannady and associates

let Fred Plont do what ever he wanted -- and his training with Ed Flowers-in colorado - was a continuation of  the training he got with Thomas bannach and mitch herr and John dane-- at All temp engineering and ENSECO -- it's no -- wonder his attituded was

Gee --- Isn't every one a liar and a thief? (embezzler)

when i worked at thermotron

interesting thing about holland michigan and thermotron, is that the
managers i delt with all bragg with liers and deceivers..they are..

when ROn Wiley was the thermotron west coast manager, dispatcher, "good old boy"

was working at Litton Ind and just set up an test lab for them in
Oregon i hired and trained the new staff and when Ron Wiley sent up 3
thermotron field service technicians, all 3 combined barley made up one
complete person..

But they have to get their training somewhere.. one customer at time...

Ron Wiley dispatehed a unskilled and un qualified employee from
washington state to perform the start up on an vibration shaker..

his only training at thermotron was they told him it was "roundand blue " and it fit under the chamber..

after a week of trying to get it to work.. he concluded that the logic moduel was bad..

40 hours for that..

But he did know where the "Hidden Buttons" were on the chamber temperature controller..

the 3 other field service engineers Ron Wiley dispatched didn't have a clue..

when i asked if he could do a operational performance over view for the 13 men i had hired in the test lab ,

Ron wiley and Dave waterfield said thermotron no longer does that for customers..

Ron Wiley asked

me if i remembered Berry Wright who was a Tom Bannach replacement.. and
he quit thermotron when dave waterfield gave him a Dan O'keefe review..
policy .. find some thing they did wrong and make a big deal about it..
so u don't have to give then a raise.. he quit as the West Coast

and Fred Plont had a lot of backstabbing words to say
about that ... but as i said to fred Plont.. "what'sit to u ?" and
freds reply was " Well he won't be able to find a better job where u
don't have to work very hard" as fred's claim to fame is being a lazy
lying 2 faced back stabber and embezzler.. u can see why he is a long
ter m
Thermotron employee..

Heck.. Bob Wiley hired him twice!!!

any way... because Holland Michigan is know as the West Coast Hipocroits..
and Thermotron is a great place to see all the different types of liars, thieves and embezzlers,

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Handyman Tip "Toss Out Garbage"-- Daniel J O'keefe former thermotron employee


now what does Daniel j O'keefe do for fun-- now that he dosen't have the employee's to mess with

Every day I saw him push his grocery cart down University Avenue, the busiest street in San Diego, in Hillcrest.

He bore an iconic homeless look, with holes in the toes of his shoes, dress pants saturated in urine and other fluids. Under his beige sports jacket he wore a navy polo sweater, and a broad chest to match his superior height.

His jacket and sweater were too small, and his belly hung below them. One could see his dirt-ridden socks, because his high waters, his pants, were also too small for his hefty body, and the seams settled above his ankles.

Considering it was San Diego, with perfect moderate climate, there were always a lot of, “street urchin” flanking Balboa Parks benches, and on some days one could see a hobo pushing his Safeway cart across the World Famous San Diego Zoo parking lot to set up their cardboard homes under the numerous Eucalyptus.

But my bum called the underpass in Hillcrest home, where he carried numerous plastic bags filled with his belongings and slept under the hum of cars, buses and trucks traveling to Mexico, Coronado, or wherever else they were headed.

My homeless fixture could often be seen sitting asleep on a bench, with his hands clasping his bags, and judging by his consistently burnt nose, he’d spent many days baking in the sun. And what made him so unique to me was how he looked like Ernest Hemingway.