Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thermotron Leadership-- Hil Sybesma Opp's Thermotron customer listing

yes , Opp's

the thermotron customer listing some how got lost in Hil sybesma's  exit report when he left thermotron--

Well, it's on thing  for management to "KNOW" of this  BUT it's another thing, 2 PROVE it!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Thermotron management training --Not that there's anything wrong with that----N---ot that there's anything wrong with that

gee i really only know of one person i worked with at thermotron the didn't daily steal and embezzle--

when John Tenbrink-- worked there he would miss lead and defraud his co workers -- and then run behind their back =--- and tell Bob Wiley -- that so-n-so did this or said that--

then he would say Old-Bob-Wiley-is as- smart-as a Fox@!!

But old Bob-Wiley-- told his "inner-circle-- that it was ok to lie to him-- about what was going on so long as they didn't get him in trouble!!

This was also the thermotron management method of Thomas Bannach-- but Thomas bannach -- included that it was OK to lie,cheat, miss lead people and embezzle a little bit every day-- because every he know is like that--

Not-like --there-s --any-thing--wrong--with --that??

Thermotron management training --Not that there's anything wrong with that

gee i really only know of one person i worked with at thermotron the didn't daily steal and embezzle--

when John Tenbrink-- worked there he would miss lead and defraud his co workers -- and then run behind their back =--- and tell Bob Wiley -- that so-n-so did this or said that--

then he would say Old-Bob-Wiley-is as- smart-as a Fox@!!

But old Bob-Wiley-- told his "inner-circle-- that it was ok to lie to him-- about what was going on so long as they didn't get him in trouble!!

This was also the thermotron management method of Thomas Bannach-- but Thomas bannach -- included that it was OK to lie,cheat, miss lead people and embezzle a little bit every day-- because every he know is like that--

Not-like --there-s --any-thing--wrong--with --that??