Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again-- thermotron lying is KING

Ron Lampen today takes over as president of Thermotron Industries,

 replacing Daniel O’Keefe, the company COO and president who is retiring after 29 years.

Lampen most recently was vice president of service operations for 13 years for the environmental test equipment company that employs about 350 people.

 Before his most recent post, Lampen was vice president of sales and marketing for 15 years.
Lampen found that he could'nt get a job any where else. So, what;s a man to do??
No one else would hire him-- except mabe ESPEC chamber company-- because ESPEC--

hires "HAS--Beens" ask john TenBrink-- or Thomas Patterson

Daniel j O'keefe- The Billionaire Encounter--after thermotron dan's still a deceiver and liar


the problem with Daniel j o"keefe when he was as thermotron was -- he could not face that every one knew he was full of sh** and employee's had to only tell him "what ever-he-wanted-to-hear" and it didn't matter if it was true or not!!

When thomas patterson worked as a manager for him-- at his (Patterson's)  review  Danny --boy was telling Tommy boy-- that -- he just -was-not-doing-the -job-- as-good -as Danny-boy had- hoped-- but maybe in 6 months they could review his performance--

So, patterson quit thermotron because danny-boy was doing to him what he did to his co-workers--

and Thomas Patterson "did-not-have-stupid-written -on his -4-head --

because thomas Patterson have gone to COLLEGE!  a "Real College" and he knew Danny -Boy-- was lying because he told thomas patterson to "LIE " to his people

yes indeed -- we've made some changes sence then-- it's the New BOSS-- same as the old boss

Monday, January 7, 2013

✔웃TV PASTOR (MIKE MURDOCK) SAYS "God wants you poor!!!!" and Dutch and christian reformed- training at thermotron

yes at thermotron i was taught that everyone is a liar and thief here

 and of course personal loyalty -- is the main game-- besides -- i --lied--4--you 

got it yet-- A--Hole ??  wake up and smell the coffee